Louise Herrington School of Nursing

The Baylor University Louise Herrington School of Nursing provides a competitively robust education through the integration of faith and academic excellence. We believe that nurses have been called to make a difference and we prepare our students within a Christian community, for professional practice, health care leadership, and worldwide service.

Opportunities for Impact

Giving to the Louise Herrington School of Nursing provides essential resources for everything from student groups and laboratory equipment funds to scholarships and mission experiences. Your generosity directly impacts students by expanding access to education and hands-on training. While our work is not yet done, this firm foundation of support empowers us to invest in faculty, strengthen student opportunities, and sustain the school’s mission to prepare students to serve and care for the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of their patients as we build toward a brighter future together.

Supporting Students through Scholarships

Grow and expand scholarship funding for nursing students, both undergraduate and graduate. Provide faculty with a powerful recruiting tool to draw students to Baylor and retain those students as they advance. Help ensure students’ access to transformational learning opportunities through funding for missions’ experiences where students learn to connect their care with their calling.

Resourcing a Caring Community

Provide flexible and responsive support and resourcing through the Dean’s Excellence Fund. Creating a caring environment for LHSON’s faculty and students requires Dean Plank to prepare for unanticipated needs. Resourcing provides flexibility to meet needs throughout the unit, whether serving as an emergency fund, stepping in to cover departmental shortfalls or create opportunities for student learning through events or other activities.

Investing in Technology-Rich Instruction

Create transformational learning experiences for the school’s students by investing in technology-rich teaching environments. Building upon the strong tradition of simulation instruction at LHSON, continued investment in cutting-edge technology is essential to ensure students can deliver care in cutting-edge hospital settings.

Vision for the Future

Dean Linda Plank, Ph.D., RN, NEA-BC, has a vision for the School, where students called as Baylor Nurses see their paths clear of financial obstacles, where the School’s faculty lead the country in research and teaching with the most cutting edge technological advancements and where all student experiences are marked with the excellence and intentionality inherent in an LHSON education. 

Opportunities for Giving

We thank you for your interest in the mission and vision of Baylor University and invite you to make a gift to support student scholarships, faculty research and needs and priorities within the Louise Herrington School of Nursing today.

Contact Us

To learn more about opportunities to give to the Louise Herrington School of Nursing, contact Janis Kovar, Senior Director of Development.

Senior Director of Development, Louise Herrington School of Nursing