Whether you are a current parent or simply wish to help the students of other parents, your gift to the following areas supports the overall Baylor student experience - from scholarships to innovative campus programs and more.

Baylor Parent Fund
Whether your student is currently attending the University, has already graduated, or is soon to become a Baylor Bear, the Baylor Parent Fund supports the areas that enhance the overall student experience. We want your son or daughter to feel right at home here!

Library Excellence Fund
We believe it is crucial for your students to have a productive space to accomplish their studies. Your gifts help enrich the student experience by providing technology updates, securing research materials, and improving library study areas.

Parents Endowed Scholarship
Your support helps provide scholarship support for deserving students who need financial assistance to continue their pursuit of a Baylor education.

Student Life Excellence Fund
Gifts support students traveling to conferences and help student organizations create innovative campus programs.