Share Some Light to Health Care & Essential Workers

February 11, 2021

Generosity is part of the culture at Baylor University. Students, alumni, faculty, staff, parents and friends of the University give generously of their finances and their time out of a deep belief in our Christian mission.

1 Timothy 1:18 commands believers to “do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.” As members of the Baylor Family, we know that giving is a daily sacrifice. We can give a kind word. We can give a sympathetic ear. We can give praise. And we can give thanks.

For Valentine’s Day, this year, we ask you to send handwritten letters of thanks to essential workers you know. Write to your first-grade teacher, the nurse that gives you a flu shot every year, your nephew who is a physician’s assistant.

We are reminded that 1 Thessalonians 5:11 instructs us to “encourage one another and build one another up.”

Essential workers—teachers, nurses, doctors, and so many others—have been contending with the effects of the coronavirus pandemic for an entire year. They have likely been asked to work longer hours, take greater preventative methods, and expand their job descriptions well beyond the responsibilities of their titles.

Take a moment. Think about an essential worker you know. Write a letter of appreciation. Mail the letter. Together we can share the spirit of generosity and encouragement with those who are working diligently to keep us safe, healthy and educated.
